Month: August 2024

Ep. 130: The Sisterdale Revolver

In the early part of the Civil War, a group of German Freethinkers got together to design and manufacture a revolver for use by the Confederate forces. These Germans were intellectuals, engineers, farmers and…unionists! Nevertheless they designed a new revolver, making 6 total. The gun proved impractical, however, so they ceased production. Only one of…

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EP. 129: Making Texas History: An Interview with Governor Rick Perry (Part 2)

Governor Rick Perry is the longest serving Governor in Texas history. From his humble beginnings in Paint Creek, to the cockpit of an Air Force C-130, to the Governor’s Mansion and on to Washington D.C. Governor Perry has an unmatched career in public service. In this wide-ranging interview, we discuss what Texas and Texas history…

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