san jacinto

EP. 83: The Twin Sisters, Part 2–The Mystery

The twin sisters were two cannons graciously manufactured and donated to the cause of Texas liberty from the people of Cincinnati.  They served Texas well at the Battle of San Jacinto and played a key role in Texas independence.  You can see these great guns of liberty at….wait minute…no you can’t.  We’ve lost them.  Where…

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Ep. 80: The Twin Sisters, Part 1

184 years ago, the Texas Army was long on spirit, but short on guns.  Artillery, that is.  How would they take on Santa Anna without some “hollow ware?”  Enter the good people of Cincinnati, Ohio.  They formed a committee, the “Friends of Texas,” to support our war effort.  They sent two cannons to Texas and…

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Ep. 66: The Tories of the Texas Revolution

 The account of the Texas revolution makes for glorious telling, retelling and reading.  It seemed that every man, woman and child in early Texas just couldn’t wait to rebel against the tyrannical Mexican government and win another glorious war for independence.  Didn’t they?  Well, not exactly.  Just like the 13 American colonies, Texas had its…

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Ep 38: The Spoils of San Jacinto

181 years ago this week, the Texian Army surprised the Mexican army and won the Battle of San Jacinto.  The battle lasted a mere 18 minutes, but its effects changed the world.  After the initial 18 minute rout, many of the Texans pursued the fleeing enemy into the bayous and swamps around San Jacinto while…

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